CrossFit – Fri, Jul 19


CrossFit – Fri, Jul 19

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Crueller (AMRAP – Reps)

5 Sets (New set every 5 minutes)

AMRAP 3 Minutes

6-10 Strict Chin Ups (pullups/ch2bar)

15 Dumbbell Bench (2×50/35)

*Max Calorie row or bike Remaining Time

-rest 2 minutes b/t sets-

Intended Workout RPE: 7-8 – 70-80% – moderate to moderate/high intensity

• Target Calories each set: 30/24+

• Minimum Calories before scaling each set: 15/12


• How to Pace: CHALLENGE!

Here we go, another upper body pump sesh that still gets us our daily cardio. Work steady through the pull/push combo, and then see if you can grind through roughly two minutes of skiing.

• How it should Feel: MUSCULAR ENDURANCE and/or GASSY! Shoulders and arms will be pushed to their breaking point today.


• Chin Ups: Aim for sets of 5 or more and break, be cautious of pushing to failure. Make sure you are not tempted to give a little kip as your arms begin to burn out.

• Double Dumbbell Bench Press: Weight should be moderately-heavy but still able to perform reps in 1-2 sets. If you need to break, then keep it short.

• Ski: Use your whole body on this while emphasizing a strong hip drive. You could be here for a few minutes, so don’t overdo it at the start. Save the maximum effort for the final set.


• The SCALING aim is to keep intensity up and use appropriate rep schemes and loading.

Accessory Work/extra bro loft (Checkmark)

3 Sets

10 Back Extension w/:30 hold on the last rep (add a barbell if these are too easy)

:20 Left Arm Single Arm Kettlebell Hold + 10 Kettlebell Side Bend (left side) + :20 Right Arm Single Arm Kettlebell Hold + 10 Kettlebell Side Bend (right side)

:45 Weighted Forearm Plank

bro sesh

10-15 Dumbbell Incline Chest Flies @ 7-8/10 RPE

10-15 Ring Row

-Rest 90-120 seconds-

10 Floating Deadlift @ 7-8/10 RPE

10 Double Kettlebell Sumo Stance Deadlift @ 8/10 RPE

-Rest 90-120 seconds-

*Score is Dumbbell Incline Flies weight.

**Score Floating Deadlift and Sumo Deadlift in notes.