CrossFit – Wed, Jul 24


CrossFit – Wed, Jul 24

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Bulgarian Split squats 7/23/24 (Weight)

4X 10 Front Foot Elevated Double Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats (5 each side) @ 8-9/10 RPE + 7 Double Dumbbell Jump Squats

*Jump AS HIGH AS YOU CAN for Jump Squats



Olympic Medalists (Time)


Unbroken Kettlebell Swings (53/35) (45/25)


Toes to Bar

*200m Run after each round


Intended Workout RPE: 8.5 – 85% – high intensity

Target Time: 12-14 minutes

Time Cap: 17 minutes


How to Pace: CHALLENGE!! It’s time to see what our grip is made of. Swings must be unbroken. Be smart on the toes to not and try to manage grip fatigue early on. Recover as much as possible through the run. If you go too hard or too early, then say bye-bye to your forearms.

How it should Feel:

GRIPPY and GASSY! All the swelling in the arms today. Breathe through the motion and roll out well afterward.


American Kettlebell Swing : Has to be unbroken, so don’t pick up the kettlebell until you know you are ready. Be overly aggressive with your hip drive and focus on breathing at the top while relaxing your grip.

Toes to Bar :

This is where you need to be smart about your sets. The goal should be sets of 7 or more, but don’t be too proud to drop to smaller sets if needed.

Run: Pacing should be based on the state of your grip. If it’s blowing up, slow it down; if you feel good, be cautious. Shake out the arms while running.


(For pregnant and postpartum women)

Kettlebell Swing –> no modification

Toes to Bar –> Controlled Hanging Knee to Chest or PhysioBall Sit Ups or Pelvic Tilts – these are especially good for women who are experiencing coning

Run –> if you still feel comfortable running, go for it. If not, scale to a machine or 2 minutes of controlled Skipping in Place

SCALING (aka Masters 40+)

The SCALING aim is to keep the swings unbroken every round.

Scaling option to finish near the target score:


Unbroken Kettlebell Swings (53/35)


Toes to Bar

*200m Run after each round