


CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Metcon (Weight)


1 Set of 5 @ 65%

1 Set of 5 @ 73%

3 Sets of 5 @ 78%

1 Set of 5+ @ 78%

Rest 1-3 Minutes Between Sets.

Barnhart’s bet (3 Rounds for time)


[On the 0:00]

For Time:

21 Power Cleans 115 / 85 lb

30/21 Calorie Echo Bike

21 Power Cleans 115 / 85 lb

[On the 8:00]

For Time:

15 Power Cleans 155 / 105 lb

30/21 Calorie Echo Bike

15 Power Cleans 155 / 105 lb

[On the 16:00]

For Time:

9 Power Cleans 185 / 135 lb

30/21 Calorie Echo Bike

9 Power Cleans 185 / 135 lb
– Push for big sets on the barbells. We really want to work our barbell cycling today. Athletes should have 2 minutes of rest or more between intervals which will be more than enough time to recover. It is okay to mix in some singles but the majority of our cleans should be touch and go today.

– Push the bike but not at the expense of our bigger barbell sets.


– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Loading

– Sub Dumbbells


– 30/21 Cal Assault Bike, Air Run, or Ski

– 40/30 Cal Bike Erg or Row

– 400m Run

– 100 Double Unders

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

Extra credit

“X” Bar Muscle-ups
INTENTION: Complete same number you completed in last weeks echo bike / banded bar muscle-up piece on 1/14/22. If you didn’t do that piece, complete somewhere between 30-45 reps.

SCORE: Total time. Record number of reps in your notes.

Metcon (Time)

Extra credit

For Time:

50 GHD Sit-ups

30 Bar-Facing Burpees

100-ft. Barbell Front Rack Walking Lunge

30 Bar-Facing Burpees

50 GHD Sit-ups

Barbell: 155 / 105 lb