


CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Metcon (Weight)

Power Clean & Hang Clean

5 Sets:

1 Power Clean

1 Hang Squat Clean

Performed @ 70-75% 1RM Clean 119LB – 128LB

Hanging by a moment (Time)

“Hanging By A Moment”
*25 min time cap
5 Rounds For Time:
60 Double Unders
9 Hang Power Cleans 155 / 105 lb
1-2-3-4-5 Rope Climbs

Rest 1 Minute After Each Round
– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– Double Unders: Reps should take less than 1:00.

– Hang Power Cleans: Reps should take under 1:00. The weight should be on the moderate side but we should be able to complete the reps unbroken each round.

– Rope Climbs: Reps should take less than :30s each round.

– Note: It will be the athlete’s job to note down the time on the clock at the completion of each round and start their next round exactly 1 minute from then.

– Score: Total time including rest. Make note of how long each round took in your notes if you’d like to have it.

– Try to stay as relaxed as possible on the jump rope. Keep the shoulders down and the grip loose.

– Use the hook grip on the hang power cleans to ensure that you do not lose the barbell due to grip fatigue. Bumping the bar off the quads is the quickest way to get through them. If you are not confident in cycling the bar using the “bump clean,” a traditional hang clean works well here too.

– Be patient on the rope climbs with your foot clamps. We want to give ourselves a solid foot lock so that we do not use the arms more than we need to. See if you can make it up the rope in 3 pulls or less.


– Reduce reps

– 45s Time Cap

– 1.5x Single Unders


– Reduce Loading

– Reduce Reps

– Sub Dumbbells


– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Height

– 3-5 Strict Pull-Ups = 1 Rope

– 3-5 Toes To Bar = 1 Rope

– 5 Ring Rows = 1 Rope

Metcon (Weight)

Halting Clean Deadlift


3 Sets of 3 @ 90-95% 144LB – 153LB

*3s Pause At Mid-Thigh

Metcon (No Measure)

Extra credit:

EMOM Conditioning

On the Minute x 30-40 [6-8 Rounds]:

Minute 1: Bike Erg Calories

Minute 2: Strict Weighted Pull-ups

Minute 3: Bike Erg Calories

Minute 4: Strict Weighted Ring Dips

Minute 5: Rest

*Weights Are Your Choice

*Should Be On The Heavier Side (2-5 Reps)