


CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

May I have another (7 Rounds for time)

On the 3:00 x 7 Rounds:

200 Meter Slam ball carry Run 60/ 45 lb

12 Toes to Bar

9 Deadlifts 185 / 135 lb

Metcon (Weight)

5 Sets

2 Power Clean + Hang Clean (knee & this is a hand squat cln) + Power Jerk

Build to a Max for the Day

Metcon (Weight)

Deadlift – work to heaviest 3 you can without risk of failure

These are touch n go

Metcon (No Measure)

Extra credit

2 rounds

Max weighted strict pullups

5 Sets for Quality:

5 Strict Pull-Ups w/ :03s Negative

15-30 Second Hanging L-Sit

25 ft. Hand Over Hand Sled Pull

Rest as needed.