CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit
Metcon (Weight)
Clean & Jerk Technique
On the 2:00 x 5 Sets:
1 Pausing Power Clean
1 Power Clean
1 Pausing Push Jerk
1 Push Jerk
*Pause 1 second in the catch postion of both the clean and the jerk.
– Final week of our mini clean and jerk technique progression.
– We’ll start our sets at 5% higher and finish 5% higher than last week.
– Percentages are still meant to be on the lighter side in order to ensure good quality movement.
– Pauses in the catch of the first clean and the catch of the first jerk are to help focus get receiving the bar with the knees out and hips back.
– We often see athletes with the knees pushed out forward of the toes and the hips tucked slightly forward in the recieving position of both the clean and the jerk. This is something we want avoid in our lifts.
– Let’s video our lifts today so that we can watch back and see what our landings look like.
Percentages based off 1RM Power Clean:
Set 1: 40%
Set 2: 45%
Sets 3-5: 50%
Metcon (Weight)
Clean & Jerk
On The Minute x 8 Sets:
1 Clean n Jerk
– Keeping postioning the focus, we’ll build up to a moderate clean and jerk.
– We’ll take what we’ve learned over the past couple of weeks of technique work and put it to the test to see if we are aware of any improvements made in our catch postions.
Percentages based off 1RM Clean & Jerk:
Sets 1+2 – 60%
Sets 3+4 – 65%
Sets 5+6 – 70%
Sets 7+8- 75%
In the air tonight (Time)
“In The Air Tonight”
10 Rounds For Time:
3 Power Clean and Jerks 135 / 95 lb
6 Lateral Burpees Over Bar
9 Kettlebell Swings 53 / 35 lb
– Conditioning Category: Threshold
– Looking for a weight on the barbell we could easily complete 3+ clean and jerks unbroken when fresh.
– Looking for a kettlebell weight we can hold onto for unbroken sets of 9 every round.
1. Power Cleans: Steady singles or unbroken sets of 3. Determine if you want to work on cycling the barbell or improve your speed on burpees before you start this workout so you are aware of where you need to pace and where you want to push.
2. Lateral Burpees Over Bar: Smooth pace and focus on foot work. If holding on for unbroken set on the bar, let’s pace these quite a bit. If going with steady singles on the bar, let’s try to push the pace a bit.
3. Kettlebell Swings: Hold on for unbroken sets of 9 and focus on breathing during this movement. Regardless of your strategy on the barbell and the burpees let’s view the kettlebell swings as the recovery station in this workout.
4. We’ll complete a full round in the practice round and time it to determine whether the pace and strategy we chose was something we feel we could sustai Modifications
– Double Dumbbell
– Single Dumbbell
– Odd Object Ground To Overhead
– 12 Air Squats
– Lateral Burpees Over A Dumbbell
– Lateral Burpees Over A Line
– Regular Burpees
– Single Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches
– Odd Object Swings
– Empty Barbell Hang Power Snatches