


CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Metcon (Weight)

Front Squat

Build to Heavy Set of 3


1×3 @ 90% of Heavy 3

1×3 @ 80% of Heavy 3

Brief relief (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

“Brief Relief”

5 x AMRAP 3:

3 Burpee Pull-ups

6 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)

9 Wallballs 20 / 14 lb to 10/9ft.

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds
– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– Flow Notes: Athletes will begin each AMRAP on the burpee pull-ups regardless of where they finished in the previous round.

– Burpee Pull-Ups: Athletes can jump directly into the pull-ups. 3 reps should take less than 20s.

– Box Jump Overs: Athletes do not need to stand fully on the box. 6 reps should take less than less than 45s.

– Wallballs: 9 reps should take less than 45s.

– Score: Enter rounds + reps each round. You overall score will be the sum total of all rounds.

– With only 1 minute of rest between rounds, we need to be smart about pacing. These are not “all out sprint” intervals.

– Find a steady rhythm on the burpee pull-ups and box jump overs. Stepping down on the burpee box jump overs can help keep the heart rate down.

– Aim for unbroken sets of wallballs each round with 1 break at most in the later rounds if needed.


– Reduce Reps

– Pull-Ups

– Burpee To Target


– Reduce Reps or Height

– Box Step-Overs

– Broad Jumps


– Reduce Reps, Loading, or Target Height

– Single Dumbbell Thrusters

Metcon (No Measure)

Extra credit

Handstand Walk Conditioning

For Time:

500 Meter Ski Erg

75-ft. Handstand Walk

400 Meter Ski Erg

75-ft. Handstand Walk

300 Meter Ski Erg

75-ft. Handstand Walk

200 Meter Ski Erg

75-ft. Handstand Walk

100 Meter Ski Erg

75-ft. Handstand Walk

Midline Conditioning

5 Rounds For Time:

20 Medicine Ball GHD Sit-ups 14 / 10 lb

10-8-6-4-2 D-Ball Cleans 150 / 100 lb