


CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Metcon (Weight)

Squat Snatch

Build To A Heavy Triple
– Last time we built to a heavy triple was 2.25.2022. Score is linked if you click on the icon on the score bar.

– We can aim to beat your previous heavy triple.

– Reps do not need to be “touch and go.”

– Take up to 10 seconds of rest between each snatch.

– Rest as needed between each triple attempt.

– Enter heaviest triple.

Antsy (Time)


5 Rounds For Time:

400 Meter Run

15 Overhead Squats 95 / 65 lb

5-4-3-2-1 Rope Climbs (15ft.)
– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– 400m Run: Performed in less than 2:15.

– Overhead Squats: From the floor. Performed in 1-2 sets in less than 1:00.

– Rope Climbs: Athletes should be able to perform at least 2 ropes climbs in a minute when fresh to complete these as Rx.

– Score: Total time.

– Pace the run in a way that will allow you to excel on the “indoor” movements (OHS + Rope).

– Aim for 1-2 sets on the overhead squats each round.

– Focus on taking as minimal pulls up the rope as possible.

– Try to minimize your breaks between the indoor movements. Always aim to just get back to the run as quick as you can as you will always be making forward progress there.


– Reduce Distance

– 500m Row

– 400m Ski

– 1000m Bike

– 300m Air Run


– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Loading

– Single Dumbbell Overhead Squats


– Reduce Reps

– 1/2 Rope Climbs

– 3 Strict Pull-Ups + 3 Knees To Chest = 1 Rope

– 6 Alternating Dumbbell Plank Rows

Metcon (No Measure)

Extra Credit

Odd Object Conditioning

[4 Sets]:


20/15 Calorie Echo Bike

10 Devil’s Press 50 / 35 lb’s

Max Double Unders

Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets

Row Intervals 6 [OPTIONAL]

9 Rounds:

1:40 On

0:20 Off