


CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Push Jerk (Push Jerk Build to Heavy Single Then…  1 Set of)

Grace (Time)

For Time:
30 Clean and Jerks, 135# / 95#
– Conditioning Category: Grindy Sprint

– Loading should not exceed 70% or your 1RM clean & jerk.

– Score: Total time.

– There is really no right or wrong in this workout when it comes to strategy. We just want to stay moving.

Options To Consider:

– All singles

– Knock out a set of 10+ reps then drop to singles

– Alternate between touch and go sets of 3-5 & 3-5 singles

– Sets of 3-5

– Sets of 10

Metcon (No Measure)

Extra Credit

Long Conditioning

Every 4 Minutes Until 300/250 Calories:

400 Meter Run

Max Calorie Row

Time Cap: 40 Minutes

– Every 4 minutes complete a 400m run followed by a max calorie row. The workout is complete when you’ve completed the 300/250 calories or when you hit the 40 minute time cap.

– You may want to record your calories each round as the monitor may turn off while you are out on the run.

– Stop rowing 10-15 seconds before the next 4 minute interval begins so you have time to record where you are at.

– Score: Total time it takes to complete the 300/250 calorie row. If capped, add 1 second for every missed calorie.

Midline Accessory

On the Minute x 5:

30 Second Side Plank (Right)

30 Second Side Plank (Left)

Directly Into…

On the Minute x 6:

30 Second Hollow Hold

30 Second Arch Hold