


CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Metcon (Time)

Recovery WOD

Optional Active Recovery

5 Rounds For Time:

40 Calorie Row

30 AbMat Sit-ups

20 Russian Kettlebell Swings 53 / 35 lb (you choose)

100-ft. Kettlebell Walking Lunge 53 / 35 lb

Metcon (Time)

Recovery Swim WOD


Warm Up:

300m (Any Style)


4 x 100m

(Alternate Between 50m Kick/50m Pull)

Main Set:

4 x 100m (Rest 10 Seconds Between)

4 x 125m (Rest 15 Seconds Between)

4 x 150m Pull (Rest 20 Seconds Between)

Cool Down:

100m (Any Style)

Metcon (No Measure)

Saturday Workout

Jerk Complex

6-8 Sets:

1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk

Performed @ 75-90% 1RM Split Jerk 128LB – 153LB


For Time:

50 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)

1,000 Meter Row

50 Wallballs 30 / 20 lb to 10/9-ft.

10 Rope Climbs (15-ft.)

50 Wallballs 30 / 20 lb to 10/9-ft.

1,000 Meter Row

50 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)

Extra credit

Gymnastics Conditioning


3 Unbroken Bar Muscle-ups

Odd Object Conditioning

For Time:

21 Deficit Handstand Push-ups

90-ft. Sled Push

21 D-Ball Cleans

90-ft. Sled Push

15 Deficit Handstand Push-ups

90-ft. Sled Push

15 D-Ball Cleans

 90-ft. Sled Push

9 Deficit Handstand Push-ups

90-ft. Sled Push

9 D-Ball Cleans

90-ft. Sled Push

Deficit: (4″/2″)

Sled: 90 / 70 lb

D-Ball: 150 / 100 lb