


CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Metcon (Weight)

Push Press

For Total Load:

5 Sets of 3
– On 6.29.22 we did 5 sets of 4. Aim to beat your score today. Hit the clock icon to view scoring history.

– Barbell can be taken from a rack.

– Athletes can build or use the same weights across all sets.

– Rest as needed between sets.

– Goal is for athletes to maximize their score by lifting heavy weights across all 5 sets.

– Score: Enter loading for all 5 sets. Overall score will be the sum total weight.

Macho minute (AMRAP – Reps)

“Macho Minute”

On the Minute x 15:

3 Power Cleans

3 Front Squats

3 Push Jerks

Max Bar-Facing Burpees

Barbell: 135 / 95 lb
– Conditioning Category: Grind

– Barbell: Loading should not exceed 70% of your 1RM shoulder to overhead. Complex does not need to be completed unbroken but should be completed in 30s or less.

– Bar-Facing Burpees: Athletes should have at least 15s to complete as many burpees as they can each minute. It is recommended to stop with 5-10s before the start of the next minute.

– Score: Total Burpees

– While most athletes CAN hold on for unbroken complexes, it may be helpful to break the power cleans into singles, then hold on for the rest of the complex after the last clean.

– Breaking the barbell can help keep the heart rate down a bit.

– Use the legs a lot on the shoulder to overhead.

– Pace the burpees like you would during an AMRAP. The only set of burpees we should try to push the pace on is the last.


– Reduce Loading

– Sub Dumbbells


– Burpee To Target

– Regular Burpees

– Dumbbell Facing Burpees

Metcon (No Measure)

Beast Accessory

3-4 Sets of 8-12 Reps:

A. Chest Supported Barbell Row On Bench

B. Barbell Overhead Walking Lunge (8-12 Reps Total)

C. GHD Back Extensions

*Repeat from 6.29.22

Rope Climb Conditioning

5 Rounds [20 Minutes]:

Minute 1: Standing Bike Erg (Damper 10)

Minute 2: 1 Legless + Max Regular Rope Climbs (15-ft.)

Minute 3-4: Rest