CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit
Front squat Comptrain (Weight)
Front Squat
5 Sets:
1 Front Squats
*work up to 85-90% hold for the 1 front squat rest 1-2 mins in bw sets
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
“Poker Face”
Buy-In: 400 Meter Run
Max Rounds With Time Remaining:
12 Front Squats (155 / 105 lb)
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs (30″/24″)
Rest 5 Minutes
Buy-In: 400 Meter Run
Max Rounds With Time Remaining:
9 Front Squats (185 / 135 lb)
6 Burpee Box Jump OversĀ (30″/24″)
Rest 5 Minutes
Buy-In: 400 Meter Run
Max Rounds With Time Remaining:
6 Front Squats (205 / 145 lb)
6 Burpee Box Jump OversĀ (30″/24″)
– Conditioning Category: Sprint
– Last time we completed this workout was 7.22.2020
– Even with the weight increasing each round, we should be able to complete each set of front squats unbroken.
– We will record the rounds plus reps of each couplet and total them.
– The run does not count in our scoring
– Score: Rounds + reps with our overall score being the sum total.
1. It’s not worth pushing the run if we can’t get right to work immediately after. Find a pace that allows us to get right to work on the barbell.
2. There is not need to rush through the squats. We are looking for smooth and controlled reps with full range of motion (hips below knees in the bottom, hips open shoulders upright at the top).
3. Let’s stay smooth to “recover” on the burpee box jump overs.
4. With 5 minutes of rest between rounds, we can feel comfortable pushing these intervals hard.
Metcon (No Measure)
Extra Credit
Double Unders
After Each Set:
2 Rope Climbs
Extra credit
Odd Object
3 Sets Not For Time:
50 Meter Sled Push + Pull
100 Meter Double Dumbbell Farmers Carry
Rest as Needed Between Sets