CrossFit – Fri, Dec 15


CrossFit – Fri, Dec 15

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Moreton Bay bug (Time)

12 Power Clean (135/95)

10 Wall Walk

10 Power Clean (155/105)

8 Wall Walk

8 Power Clean (185/125)

6 Wall Walk

6 Power Clean (205/145)

4 Wall Walk

4 Power Clean (225/155)

2 Wall Walk

2 Power Clean (245/165)

• Target Time: sub 15 minutes

• Time Cap: 20 minutes


• How to Pace: GRIND! Smooth and steady throughout. This workout has built-in rest from transitioning to the next movement and adding weight to the bar. Control your heart rate early on and keep the pace at a moderate level to save some energy for those last 2 weights.

• How it should Feel: MUSCULAR ENDURANCE! Increased weight as fatigue builds is an amazing challenge to overcome. How well can you move while under heavy duress? Be smart and listen to your body so you are not stuck staring at the bar for an extended period.


• Power Clean : The weight selected should start light (under 55% of 1RM Power Clean) and steadily increase to heavier and finishing at something challenging but you can hit (about 90% or less of 1RM Power Clean). Today should be approached in smooth and steady singles. Take a deep breath and make sure you are ready before attempting each lift.

• Wall Walk: Smooth, don’t go crazy on these, but try not to over-rest at the bottom. Find a grind balance in tempo and calculated breaks to keep the shoulders somewhat calm.

MAYHEM MOM MODIFICATIONS (For pregnant and postpartum women)

• Wall Walk —–> Elevated Box Walks or Modified Inchworm

• Power Cleans —–> Dumbbell Power Clean SCALING (AKA 45+ Masters Rx)

• The SCALING aim is for the clean weight to start light and end challenging without the risk of failure.

• Scaling option to finish near the target score:

12 Power Clean (135/95)

10 Wall Walk

10 Power Clean (155/105)

8 Wall Walk

8 Power Clean (185/125)

6 Wall Walk

6 Power Clean (205/145)

4 Wall Walk

4 Power Clean (225/155)

2 Wall Walk

2 Power Clean (245/165)

Power snatch (Weight)

2 Power Snatch @ 70% 1 RM Power Snatch

2 Power Snatch @ 73% 1 RM Power Snatch

1 Power Snatch @ 75% 1 RM Power Snatch

1 Power Snatch @ 78% 1 RM Power Snatch

Split Jerk (Weight)

1 Split Jerk @ 73-75%

1 Split Jerk @ 75-78%

1 Split Jerk @ 78-80%

1 Split Jerk @ 80-83%

Extra 12/15/23 (Checkmark)

For time: 150ft Sled Push (315/270) 15 Box Jumps (30/24) 150ft Lunge (2×70/50)