CrossFit – Fri, Jul 14


CrossFit – Fri, Jul 14

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Deadlift Heavy set of 10 (Weight)


Heavy Set of 10

Surprise Ending (AMRAP – Reps)

“Surprise Ending”


[2 Rounds]:

800 Meter Run

50 Wallballs 20 / 14 lb to 10/9ft.

Directly Into…

Max Bar-Facing Burpees

– Overview: Athletes will fight to get to the burpees in this tight 15 minute window.

– Run: Should take 4:30 or less to complete.

– Wallballs: Should take 3:00 or less to complete.

– Bar-Facing Burpees: Athletes should have at least 30s to accumulate reps. A jump over the bar is required. A barbell with standard plates will need to be set up for this workout.

– Score: Total burpee reps (do not include the running/wallballs).

– We’ll need to get a bit uncomfortable in the first portion of this workout.

– Push the majority of each run and back off the last 200m or so to prep for the wallballs.

– Aim for 1-4 sets on the wallballs. Try to keep your breaks under 10s.


– Reduce Distance

– 1,000m Row

– 800m Ski

– 2,000m Bike

– 600m Air Run


– Reduce Reps/Loading/Target

– Single Dumbbell Thrusters

– Empty Barbell Thrusters

– 75 Air Squats


– Reduce Reps

– Bar-Facing Burpees (With Step Over)

– Lateral Barbell Burpees

– Regular Burpees

– Calories On Any Machine

Extra 7/14/23 (Checkmark)

Squat Clean

10 Rounds For Time:

2 Squat Cleans @ 70% 122LB

30 Double Unders

Echo Bike Conditioning

For Total Calories:

5 x 1:00 Echo Bike, Rest 1:00

1 x 5:00 Echo Bike