CrossFit – Mon, Dec 26


CrossFit – Mon, Dec 26

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Squat Clean n Jerk (Weight)

Squat Clean & Jerk

On the 2:30 x 6 Sets:

Set 1: 2 Reps @ 76%

Set 2: 1 Rep @ 81%

Set 3: 1 Rep @ 86%

Set 4: 2 Reps @ 76%

Set 5: 1 Rep @ 81%

Set 6: 1 Rep @ 86%

*All Percentages Based Off 1RM Clean & Jerk

*Athletes Can Push Jerk or Split Jerk

Disgrace (Time)


3 Rounds For Time:

10 Squat Cleans 135 / 95 lb

10 Push Jerks 135 / 95 lb

Time cap: 8 mins
– Repeat workout from 1.25.22

– Conditioning Category: Sprinty Grind

– Squat Cleans: Aiming for small sets or singles. Less than 1:00 per round.

– Push Jerks: Aiming for unbroken sets but definitely no more than 1 break in any round. Less than 1:00 per round.

– Barbell Loading: Should not exceed 65% of your 1RM clean & jerk.

– Score: Time.

– Break up the squat cleans in a way that will allow for unbroken sets of push jerks.

– This workout is all about the third round of squat cleans. Be smart with pacing and your break up strategy leading up to that point.

– The push jerks will get challenging on the legs so pause in the front rack or overhead if needed to let the legs come back a bit versus dropping the bar.


– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Loading

– Sub Dumbbells


– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Loading

– Sub Dumbbells

Metcon (Checkmark)


Bike Erg + Bar Muscle-up

Every 2 Minutes Until 30 Reps:

600 Meter Bike Eco/300m row

Max Bar Muscle-ups

Time Cap: 14 Minutes

Oly Strength Accessory

On the 3:00 x 3 Supersets:

6-8 Weighted Hip Extensions

6-8 Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows

Box Jump Over Conditioning

For Time Until 100 Reps:

1 Minute Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)

1 Minute Rest

*No Rebounding*