CrossFit – Mon, Sep 25


CrossFit – Mon, Sep 25


Competition November 11th

The Forge: Team Comp

male/male female/female

intermediate and scaled

$125 a team plus tax and fees (early bird) for the first 10 teams then $140 after that

Come out and Play! Link below:

Ask Lyanne if you have questions.

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

D load week (Checkmark)

Hey gang,

Use the “Workout Prep notes” here as a resource for your deload.

This is a scheduled deload week for ALL Mayhem Athletes. Regardless of what your fitness goals are in this season and long term, this is a great week to allow your body to recover.

With this Deload, we have less volume all week, and want you to pull back on the intensity (and further adjust volume) as needed. You shouldn’t hit over an 80-85% effort in much anything this week. The lifting volume and RPEs are lowered Monday through Saturday as well, to help your central nervous system recover (if you want the higher RPEs, then checkout the MBS track).

Look for longer duration metcons this week to help back off intensity overall! Our last Deload Week was over a month ago, and the next one won’t be for a number of weeks, so take this week to recover more as needed!

With our lifting, the percentages are light to moderate. Please feel free to drop % and/or RPE on the lifting too if you are needing the extra recovery. For the rest of programming, rest additionally as needed or back off intensity.

Click “Workout prep notes available” directly below for more details on the What, How and Why of a “Deload week”


Clean deadlift (Weight)

Do a set every 1 minute and 30 seconds.

5 Clean Deadlift @ 6/10 RPE

4 Clean Deadlift @ 6/10 RPE

3 Clean Deadlift @ 7/10 RPE

2 Clean Deadlift @ 7/10 RPE

1 Clean Deadlift @ 8/10 RPE

Potato Chips (Time)

4 sets:

2 Rounds

50ft Dumbbell Walking Lunge (35/20)

25ft Handstand Walk

-rest 1:1 b/t sets-

Set 1: Single arm overhead lunge (right)

Set 2: Single arm overhead lunge – other arm (left)

Set 3: Farmers Carry lunge (right)

Set 4: Farmers Carry lunge (left)


• How to Pace: CHALLENGE!

Here’s a fun 2-rounder, multiple set that changes the style of lunge every new set. Stay consistent but also aggressive with pacing, and see if you can keep a consistent time regardless of the hold style.

• How it should Feel: GASSY!

Everything is doable for a non-stop approach, so stay chugging along and fight to the end of each set.


• Lunge: Regardless of the hold style, the weight is light, and all lengths should be completed unbroken. Keep standard and stay smooth and steady on every step.

• Single Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunges

• Dumbbell Goblet Hold Walking Lunges

• Single Dumbbell Farmers Carry Walking Lunge

• If you don’t have space to complete 50ft, you will do 16 lunges in place for every 50ft.

• Handstand Walk: Short distance here, so try and get right to work after the walk. We would love to see this portion completed unbroken each set.


• The SCALING aim is to stay moving with intensity!

• Scaling option to finish near the target score:

5 sets:

2 Rounds

50ft Dumbbell Walking Lunge (35/20)

25ft Handstand Walk

-rest 1:1 b/t sets-

Set 1: Single arm overhead lunge (right)

Set 2: Single arm overhead lunge – other arm (left)

Set 3: Goblet hold lunge

Set 4: Farmers Carry lunge (right)

Set 5: Farmers Carry lunge (left)

Check out our Scaling and Substitution Movement Document Here! for more recommendations!