CrossFit – Thu, Aug 24


CrossFit – Thu, Aug 24


Competition November 11th

The Forge: Team Comp

male/male female/female

intermediate and scaled

$125 a team plus tax and fees (early bird) for the first 10 teams then $140 after that

Come out and Play! Link below:

Ask Lyanne if you have questions.

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Recovery wod 8/24/23 (Time)

5 rounds

400m run

1:00 min plank

20 situps

20 v-ups

Astroid (Time)

Saturday WOD

Box Squats

5 Box Squat @ 7.5/10 RPE

4 Box Squat @ 8/10 RPE

4 Box Squat @ 8.5/10 RPE

3 Box Squat @ 9/10 RPE

3 Box Squat @ 9.5/10 RPE

For time:


Row (bike 42-35-25-15-5)

Weighted sit-ups

3-4 rounds:

10 Weighted Hip Thrust @ moderate weight

10 Russian Kettlebell Swing @ moderate weight

10 GHD Hip Raise @ moderate weight

8 Split Stance DB Romanian Deadlift (each side) @ moderate weight

30 yd Isolateral DB Farmers Carry (left)

30 yd Isolateral DB Farmers Carry (right)

-Rest 3 minutes b/t rounds-