CrossFit – Thu, Oct 19


CrossFit – Thu, Oct 19


Competition November 11th

The Forge: Team Comp

male/male female/female

intermediate and scaled

$125 a team plus tax and fees (early bird) for the first 10 teams then $140 after that

Come out and Play! Link below:

Ask Lyanne if you have questions.

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Recovery WOD (Time)

Buy in: Easy 800 m run

3 rounds

20 russian kb swings (you choose recovery weight)

20 sit uprbor v-up

1 min plank

20 goblet squat

*when do with 3 rounds head straight into

Buy out: 800m run

War (Time)

Saturday wod

3 Snatch @ 6/10 RPE

2 Snatch @ 6.5/10 RPE

1 Snatch @ 7/10 RPE

3 Snatch @ 6/10 RPE

2 Snatch @ 6.5/10 RPE

1 Snatch @ 7/10 RPE

1 Snatch @ 7/10 RPE

1 Snatch @ 7/10 RPE

2 Clean and Jerk @ 6/10 RPE

2 Clean and Jerk @ 6.5/10 RPE

1 Clean and Jerk @ 7/10 RPE

2 Clean and Jerk @ 6/10 RPE

2 Clean and Jerk @ 6.5/10 RPE

1 Clean and Jerk @ 7/10 RPE

1 Clean and Jerk @ 7/10 RPE

1 Clean and Jerk @ 7/10 RPE

2 Rounds

9/7Echo Bike

25ft Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge (70/50)

50ft Handstand Walk

100ft db front rack carry (53/35)

-rest 3 minutes-

2 Rounds

10 Shuttle Runs (50ft)

10 Hang Dumbbell Snatch (70/50)

50 Double Unders

100ft db front rack carry (53/35)

Bike/Ski: Fast, quick pulls off the start and then settle into a moderate pace (75%). The goal should be to finish under 55 seconds while winding down the final 2 calories,

• Dumbbell Overhead Lunge : Strong and stable overhead position while focusing on mid-line stability. This better be unbroken and alternate shoulders each round.

——-Note: if you do not have the space for 25ft, complete 8 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Forward Lunge

• Handstand Walk : If you are comfortable, aim for unbroken; if not, break into 2-25ft sections.

• NOTE: Recommended Scaling Option for today = 50ft bear crawl OR 20 Handstand Shoulder Taps Wall Facing. If your goal is to work towards Handstand Walks in the future, sub the Shoulder Taps!!!

• Sled Push : Both should be non-stop regardless of weight or distance. Don’t run with the sled. Just stay moving and focus on breathing.

—-NOTE: Today we are recommending you scale to 100ft Front Rack Barbell Carry [155/105] OR 100ft Sandbag Carry on shoulder [100/80] if you don’t have access to a sled

• Shuttle Run : Stay moderate with it. It goes by faster than you think. Focus on relaxing your shoulders/hands to prepare for the following grip movements.

• Hang Dumbbell Snatch : Unbroken through each round. Be aggressive with your hips and breathe at the top.

• Double Unders : Unbroken! Lay the rope down after each set to avoid a tangled mess.