CrossFit – Tue, Aug 22


CrossFit – Tue, Aug 22


Competition November 11th

The Forge: Team Comp

male/male female/female

intermediate and scaled

$125 a team plus tax and fees (early bird) for the first 10 teams then $140 after that

Come out and Play! Link below:

Ask Lyanne if you have questions.

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Deadlifts (No Measure)

2 Deadlift @ 7.5/10 RPE

2 Deadlift @ 8/10 RPE

2 Deadlift @ 8.5/10 RPE

2 Deadlift @ 8.5/10 RPE

2 Deadlift @ 9/10 RPE

2 Deadlift @ 9/10 RPE

2 Deadlift @ 9/10 RPE

2 Deadlift @ 9/10 RPE

Galaga (Time)

For Time: 15 minute time cap

100 meters farmers carry (50/35)


5 Rounds

15 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups

15 Box Jumps Overs (24/20)


100m farmers carry (50/35)

How to Pace: CHALLENGE! This one does not have many places to slow you down substantially so we can push the intensity! Try for bigger unbroken sets and somewhat quicker transitions compared to what you would usually do.

• How it should Feel: GASSY! The rep count and distance is low enough that you can push into a lung burner! Try to hold a faster pace each round and stay mentally tough

Extra 8/22/23 (Checkmark)


3 Sets

10 Double Kettlebell Front Rack Tempo Bulgarian Split Squat (5 each leg) (3 seconds down, 3 second hold in the bottom)

10 Foot Elevated Ring Rows

10 Weighted Plank Up Downs (Go from High Plank to Low Plank one arm at a time with bumper plate on back)

Dumbbell work

5 Seated Double Dumbbell Z Press @ 6.5/10 RPE

5 Seated Double Dumbbell Z Press @ 7/10 RPE

5 Seated Double Dumbbell Z Press @ 7.5/10 RPE

5 Seated Double Dumbbell Z Press @ 8/10 RPE

5 Seated Double Dumbbell Z Press @ 8.5/10 RPE

*5 Barbell Push Press after each set.


5 sets:

200m at RPE7-8,

100m at RPE3,

100m at RPE10.

Rest: 3min b/t sets

Total: 2000m