CrossFit – Tue, Jul 11


CrossFit – Tue, Jul 11

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Power clean @86% (Weight)

Power Clean

Set 1: 2 Power Cleans @ 70%

Set 2: 2 Power Cleans @ 75%

Set 3: 1 Power Clean @ 80%

Set 4: 2 Power Cleans @ 74%

Set 5: 2 Power Cleans @ 79% 126LB

Set 6: 1 Power Clean @ 84%

Set 7: 2 Power Cleans @ 76%

Set 8: 2 Power Cleans @ 81%

Set 9: 1 Power Clean @ 86%

Rest 1 Minute Between Sets.

Triple Bogey (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

“Triple Bogey”

3 Rounds x AMRAP 5:

5 Power Cleans 155 / 105 lb

10 Box Jumps (30″/24″)

200m run (or 15/12 Calorie Echo Bike)

Rest 5 Minutes Between Rounds.

– Overview: In this interval style workout, athletes will complete as many rounds and reps of power cleans, box jumps, and calories on the echo bike as they can in 5 minutes before resting for 5 minutes. Each interval, athletes will pick up where they left off on the previous interval (if you finished on the power cleans, you’ll begin on the box jumps).

– Power Cleans: Loading should not exceed 70% of your 1RM power clean. Reps should take 45s or less to complete.

– Box Jumps: Reps should take 30s or less to complete.

– Echo Bike: Calories should take 1:15 or less to complete.

– Score: Total Rounds + Reps

– If going singles on the barbell is more sustainable for you, let’s stick to that game plan throughout. If you think you can touch and go all 5 reps every round, let’s see if we can challenge ourselves with that strategy.

– Find a steady pace on the box jumps. No need to rush here.

– Let’s see if we can complete the echo bike cals in the same amount of time every round.


– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Loading

– Sub Dumbbells

– Sub Kettlebells


– Reduce Box Height

– Box Step-Ups

– 30s Effort Any Machine


– Reduce Cals

– 1:00 Time Cap

– 15/12 Cal Assault Bike

– 15/12 Cal Ski

– 15/12 Cal Air Run

– 21/15 Cal Bike Erg or Row

– 200m Run

Extra 7/11/23 (Checkmark)

Strict Weighted Ring Dip

4 Sets:

8 Strict Weighted Ring Dips

Rest 1-2 Minutes Between Sets

Pump Sesh Conditioning

4 Sets For Total Reps:

2 Minute Ski Erg Calories

1 Minute Dumbbell Bench Press 50 / 35 lb’s

Rest 1 Minute Between Sets.

Gymnastics Conditioning

5 Sets For Quality:

30 Second L-Sit

30 V-Ups

10 Single Leg Squats (Right)

10 Single Leg Squats (Left)

Rest 1 Minute Between Sets.