CrossFit – Tue, Jun 20


CrossFit – Tue, Jun 20

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Bench Press (Weight)

Bench Press

4 Sets:

12 Bench Press @ 70% 1RM

Rest 1-2 Minutes Between Sets

Reboot (AMRAP – Reps)


4 Rounds For Total Reps:

2 Minutes Echo Bike Calories / row cals

2 Minutes Max Reps

2 Minutes Rest

Round 1: Power Snatches 95 / 65 lb

Round 2: Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)

Round 3: Handstand Push-ups

Round 4: Calorie Row

– Overview: In this time based workout, athletes will spend 2 minutes on the echo bike followed by 2 minutes of power snatches, box jump overs, hspu, or calories on the rower. After the 4 working minutes are complete, athletes will rest 2 minutes before beginning the next round. This will be a test to see who can stay moving and accumulate the most reps.

– Power Snatches: Loading should not exceed 55% of your 1rm power snatch. Athletes should able to complete touch and go sets throughout.

– Box Jump Overs: Athletes do not need to stand fully on top of the box.

– Handstand Push-Ups: Athletes should mark a 30 inch line that is 10 inches away from the wall. The hands should stay in contact with this line throughout. Reps can be performed with or without a kip.

– Score: Enter total reps (calories + reps) completed each round. Overall score will be the sum total.

– Aim to complete the same number of calories on the bike each round.

– Athletes can aim to bank lots of reps on the power snatches, box jump overs, and potentially the hspu. Athletes will gain the least amount of reps on the rower.

– As a starting point, athletes can aim for 20+ power snatches, 40+ box jump overs, and 24/20+ calories on the rower. The sou reps will depend on your capacity but as a starting point, we can aim for 20+ reps.

– Smaller, quick sets on the power snatches and hspu may be helpful in managing fatigue and the heart rate.


– Assault Bike

– Bike Erg

– Rower

– Ski Erg

– Shuttle Runs

– Air Run


– Reduce Loading

– Hang Power Snatches

– Dumbbell Power Snatches

– Kettlebell Swings


– Reduce Box Height

– Box Jumps

– Box Step-Overs

– 2 Minutes On Any Machine


– Use Riser

– Double Dumbbell Push Press

– Push-Ups


– Assault Bike

– Bike Erg

– Ski Erg

– Shuttle Runs

– Air Run

Extra (No Measure)

Grunt Work

4 Rounds For Time:

25 Wallballs 30 / 20 lb to 10/9ft.

100 Meter Famers Carry 70 / 50 lb’s

Sled Conditioning

1 Set:

100 Meter Sled Walk (Heavy)

2 Sets:

100 Meter Sled Push (Moderate)

4 Sets:

100 Meter Sled Sprint (Light)

Rest 1-2 Minutes Between All Sets.