CrossFit – Tue, Sep 5


CrossFit – Tue, Sep 5


Competition November 11th

The Forge: Team Comp

male/male female/female

intermediate and scaled

$125 a team plus tax and fees (early bird) for the first 10 teams then $140 after that

Come out and Play! Link below:

Ask Lyanne if you have questions.

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Hang Pause Snatch (Weight)

*Do a set every 1 minute and 30 seconds.

3 Block Pause Snatch OR Hang Pause Snatch @ 6/10 RPE

3 Block Pause Snatch OR Hang Pause Snatch 6/10 RPE

3 Block Pause Snatch OR Hang Pause Snatch 6.5/10 RPE

3 Block Pause Snatch OR Hang Pause Snatch 6.5/10 RPE

3 Block Pause Snatch OR Hang Pause Snatch 7/10 RPE

*From above the knee for blocks or hang.

**Pause in the receive for 2 seconds.

Version of Alpaca Redux (Time)

20 min time cap

3 rounds:

2 rope climbs

12 hang KB or DB clean and jerks (2×53/35) (2×50/35)

16 dumbbell/kb split lunges

• Rope Climb: Be cautious here to not blow up early.

• Kettlebell Clean and Jerks : 2 Sets should be your goal here while utilizing a strong hip drive through each rep. Use momentum and never pause and stop the motion.

• Lunges with no weight


(For pregnant and postpartum women)

• Rope Climbs —–> Modified Rope Climb – seated on ground with legs bent OR Weighted Sled Rope Pull

• Hang Kettlebell Clean and Jerks —–> break it down. Complete the hang kettlebell cleans and then complete seated Kettlebell Strict Press

• Sled Push —–> no modification, if you don’t have a sled you may complete the sub of Dumbbell Split Lunge (16 total, 8 on 1 leg, then 8 on the other) for each round.

SCALING (AKA 45+ Masters Rx)

• The SCALING aim is to avoid failure on the rope and keep sets on the kettlebells consistent and smooth.

• Scaling option to finish near the target score:

3 rounds:

2 rope climbs

12 hang kettlebell clean and jerks (2×44/26)

Extra 9/4/23 (Checkmark)

In 2 Minutes complete max reps of the following complex

3 Toes to Rings + 2 Kipping Ring Muscle Ups + 1 Ring Dip

New Cycle: Nerves of Steel (Checkmark)


Tracks on Nerves of Steel Cycle: Compete, Masters, Teens, 60, & Scaled

How long?: 12 Weeks

When?: Week of September 4 through week of November 20

Why?: Remember that EVERYTHING we do has intention. Here in the Mayhem Athlete Family, we do “CrossFit” year round, but we vary the volume, intensity and specific focus to line up with the appropriate time of the year. That holds true for this cycle as well! The goal of our next 12 weeks is to build a better foundation of strength, technique, capacity, endurance, and gymnastics. These foundational pieces will help us begin to form “Nerves of Steel” across all of our fitness and ensure we reap the benefits of training for the rest of our CrossFit season.

See below for an outline of what’s to come:


– Goal: Increase strength primarily in the squat, press and deadlift. Improve technique and speed in the Olympic Lifts.

– Progression: Nerves of Steel Strength Program = 12 weeks each of periodized (and aggressive) lifting protocols. Along with our VERY important accessory work!

– Weekly Frequency: 4-5 days


– Goal: Improve and continue to build aerobic capacity to carry us through the next season, layering in more moderate intensity and interval based machine and running work. This longer process will help support high-intensity threshold fitness throughout our next competitive season⁠.

– Progression: Varied machine and running work/intervals to support an increased aerobic threshold; Zone 2 Cardio and other interval work (including Running, Rowing, Skiing and Echo/Assault Bike)

– Weekly Frequency: 3-4 days of total Aerobic Engine work


– Goal: Build capacity in our Ring and Handstand Push Up gymnastics!

– Progression: 8 weeks of Ring Complex and Handstand Push Up Complex program; along with supplemental accessory and bodybuilding work (September 4 through week of November 6)

– Weekly Frequency: 2-3 days


– Goal: Improve capacity across broad time and modal domains with varying intensity and volume through pure metcons and “Mayhem Athlete style” intervals, but it is still not the primary goal of this cycle. We will still approach these with the goal of becoming more comfortable in longer style metcons, and some interval based work. We will keep a similar frequency and slightly increased volume of these compared to our last cycle (NERVES OF STEEL). We still will be performing metcons last on almost all days of the week. You will still be able to maintain most of the fitness built this past season with these, and likely see some small improvements! Our “fitness” will still come back very quickly (and improve even more) once we begin to approach the next season and ramp up closer to the end of this year!

– Progression: 12 weeks of balanced, varied and intentional metabolic conditioning with a variety of movements, time domains, loading, and intensity

– Weekly Frequency: 5 days


– Goal: Stay Swole! Ha! The bodybuilding will be incorporated (with lesser volume than last cycle) throughout the week to keep our joints healthy, tendons fresh, and muscles strong!

– Progression: 12 weeks of varied bodybuilding to keep training “fun” and support the rest of programming, and support you further into the competitive season

– Weekly Frequency: 2-4 days