CrossFit – Wed, Feb 21
CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit
Count em’ (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 18 Minutes
12 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk (50/35)
12 Dumbbell Facing Burpee
12 Toes to Bar
• Target Rounds: 6+
• Minimum Rounds before scaling: 4
• How to Pace: STEADY! Find a consistent pace that can be maintained across all rounds and then push the pace in the final 90 seconds with whatever is left in the tank. Keep track of the first-round time and then try to replicate that as closely as possible to assist in pacing.
• How it should Feel: MUSCULAR ENDURANCE and/or CARDIO! It’s all movements that we are familiar with so hang on and try to give a good honest Open-like effort. It’s going to be a fight in the final 8 minutes.
• Alternating Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk: Unbroken! The good news about movements like this is the non-working arm gets somewhat of a break between reps. Weight should be moderate so explode with your hips and grind through the 18 reps. We recommend catching the dumbbell at eye level on the way down to transition each rep.
• Dumbbell Facing Burpees: Steady on the pace while keeping your heart rate under control. Effort should be consistent and moderate, with the aim to just stay moving. So pick a pace you can hang onto with these from the beginning with that in mind.
• Toes to Bar:
Be strategic on these as well from the beginning. If you can’t hit 18+ unbroken then you can start with 2-3 sets and probably stay there. If you can’t hit over 12 unbroken then start with smaller sets (3-5) and try to stay moving as much as often as you can. Break sooner than later to save the grip going back into the hang dumbbell clean and jerks.
(For pregnant and postpartum women)
• Alternating Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk —-> no modifications, if the jerk overhead is uncomfortable you can change to hang clean and strict press
• Dumbbell Facing Burpees —-> Line Facing Modified Burpees
• Toes to bar —–> Controlled Hanging Knee to Chest OR American Kettlebell Swing OR PhysioBall Sit Ups
SCALING (AKA 40+ Masters Rx)
• The SCALING aim is for consistent round times while holding manageable sets on each movement.
• Scaling option to finish near the target score:
AMRAP 18 Minutes
12 Alternating Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk (50/35)
12 Dumbbell Facing Burpee
12 Toes to Bar
Power snatch (Weight)
*Do a set every 1 minute and 30 seconds.
1 Power Snatch @ 65%
1 Power Snatch @ 70%
1 Power Snatch @ 75%
1 Power Snatch @ 70%
1 Power Snatch @ 75%
1 Power Snatch @ 80%
1 Power Snatch @ 75%
Extra 2/21/24 (No Measure)
Bench press 5×5 @65% to 80%
8 sets @ Zone 2 Pace
3 minute Bike Erg
2 minute Row
1 minute Gymnastics Practice*
*sets 1-5 = L-Sit to Support
*sets 6-10 = Pull Overs