CrossFit – Wed, Jun 7


CrossFit – Wed, Jun 7

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Squat Cleans (Weight)

5×5 @70% of one rep max
Touch n go

Metcon (Time)

“Bangers & Mash”

7 Rounds:

3 Push Press

3 Front Squats

3 Box Jumps

30/24 Calorie Echo Bike

5 Rounds:

3 Push Press

3 Front Squats

3 Box Jumps

30/24 Calorie Echo Bike

3 Rounds:

3 Push Press

3 Front Squats

3 Box Jumps

Barbell: 95/65

Box: (30″/24″)

Time Cap: 20 Minutes

– Overview: Looking at a longer grind today where pacing will be key. This is a repeat from 8.24.21 with slight modifications to weights and the type of bike we will use.

– Push Press: Less than 15s to complete each round. Loading should not exceed 65% of your 1RM push press.

– Front Squat: Less than 15s to complete each round.

– Box Jumps: Less than 15s to complete each round. Rebounding will not be permitted for long term achilles and ankle health. Athletes should stand tall on the box every rep.

– Bike: Less than 2:30 to complete.

– Score: Total Time. Add 1 second for every missed rep if time capped.

– If your lungs tend to get you during workouts, let’s plan to break between the push presses and front squats each round. Complete a quick 3 push presses, drop the bar, then get right back to it and complete a squat clean to get the front squats started. Quick sets, quick breaks. If your lungs are not a concern, let’s try to hold on and go right from the 3rd push press right into the front squats.

– While we want to use the bike as somewhat of a recovery, we can easily lose a lot of time at this station if we bike too slowly. Aim to complete this station in under 2:30.

– There are 3 batches of rounds of push presses, front squats, and box jumps. The number of rounds decrease with each batch. We should aim to ramp up our speed as we go so that our last 3 rounds are completed at a higher intensity than our first 7 rounds.


– Reduce Loading

– Dumbbell Push Press

– Burpees


– Reduce Loading

– Dumbbell Front Squats

– 2 x Air Squats


– Reduce Box Height

– Reduce Reps

– Squat Jumps

– 2x Double Unders


– Reduce Cals

– 2:30 Cap

– 30/24 Cal Assault Bike

– 38/30 Cal Bike Erg or Row

– 38/30 Cal Ski

– 20 Shuttle Runs (25ft. Out + 25ft. Back)

– 400m Run

– 300m Air Run

Extra 6/5/23 (Checkmark)

Row Intervals

For Total Calories:

5-4-3-2-1 Minutes On

Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets.

Gymnastics Conditioning

For Time:

60% Max Ring Muscle-ups

100 Meter Sled Push

50% Max Ring Muscle-ups

100 Meter Sled Push

40% Max Ring Muscle-ups

100 Meter Sled Push

Sled: Moderate Weight (Steady Walk)