CrossFit – Wed, Nov 22


CrossFit – Wed, Nov 22

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

These are my thanksgiving pants (Time)

50 Burpees to 6 inch Target

2000m Row

1 Mile Run


• How to Pace: GRIND into CHALLENGE! Ensure you hydrate well before this one and call your wife, parents, loved ones, whoever because you will be working late. Workout is a long, low-moderate intensity into a push effort when the end approaches. Work and strategize to improve on this repeat!

• How it should Feel: CARDIO! There was no reason to stop, so put the headphones in and kept chipping away. Try not to over-push off the start. Save that for the last leg of the run; then, you can drop the hammer.


• Burpee to Target : Smooth and steady while aiming to complete 10-15+ reps every minute. Stay calm and strong!

• Row: Bigger effort here where the first quarter can be recover/build up and then increased through the final 100m.

• Run: Come out somewhat aggressive, then really kick it up when you are 400m+. You have to get mentally tough here and make those legs move for a PR!.


(For pregnant or postpartum women)

• Burpees to Target —-> Modified Burpee

• Row —-> no modification unless another machine is more comfortable

• Run—–> If you can still run comfortably do it , if not see Bike Erg sub in the calorie conversion chart in the sub doc below.

SCALING (AKA 45+ Masters Rx)

• The SCALING aim is a moderate intensity to be kept without falling off the pace.

• Scaling option to finish near the target score:

30 Burpees to 6 inch Target

1500m Row

1000m Run

Extra 11/22/23 (Checkmark)


Do a set every 2 minutes.

3 Pause In the Hole Clean from Below the Knee @RPE 7

2 Pause In the Hole Clean from Below the Knee @RPE 7.5

1 Pause In the Hole Clean from Below the Knee @RPE 8

1 Pause In the Hole Clean from Below the Knee @RPE 8.5

4 rounds:

45 seconds of Kipping Chest to Bar Pull Ups

—rest 45 seconds —

45 seconds of Ring Muscle Ups

—rest 45 seconds —