


CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Metcon (Weight)

Bench Press

Build to Heavy Single


1 Set of Max Reps @ 80% Heavy Single
– On 4.5.22 we built to a heavy set of 3 (score linked).

– We can use our heavy 3 as a reference point for our heavy single.

– Bar hits the chest in the bottom.

– Elbows fully lock at the top.

– Rest as needed between attempts and drop sets.

– Enter your heavy single. Record your max reps in your notes.

Game of Inches (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

“Game of Inches”


9 Burpees to Target (6″)

35 Double Unders
– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– Burpees To Target: Target should be 6 inches above your finger tips when your arms are overhead. Reps should be completed in under a minute each round.

– Double Unders: Reps should be completed in under a minute each round.

– Score: Rounds + Reps.

– We want a fast, yet sustainable pace on the burpees. Aim to complete these in the same amount of time each round.

– Catch your breath on the double unders. We want to be as relaxed as possible here.

– It is possible to go 10+ rounds on this workout if you stay focused and in control. 12 rounds is 1 round per minute. 8 rounds is 1 round every 90 seconds. 6 rounds is 1 round every 2 minutes. Aim to complete each round in 1-2 minutes.


– Reduce Reps/Target

– Regular Burpees


– Reduce Reps

– 1:00 Time Cap

– 50 Single Unders

Metcon (No Measure)

Kipping Handstand Push-ups

Extra credit

3 Giant Sets:

Max Handstand Push-ups (3/2-Inch Deficit)

Max Handstand Push-ups (2/1-Inch Deficit)

Max Handstand Push-ups (No Deficit)

Rest 3 Minutes Between Sets

*1 Giant Set Is Max HSPU @ Each Deficit