


CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Metcon (Weight)

Shoulder to Overhead Cycling

For Load:

15-12-9 Unbroken Shoulder to Overhead

Rest As Needed Between Sets.
– The goal is to lift the most amount of weight possible for each unbroken set.

– You are allowed multiple attempts at each set of unbroken shoulder to overhead.

– You can strict press, push press, or push jerk here.

– Pausing overhead or in the front rack is okay.

– Score: Enter heaviest 15, 12, and 9 unbroken shoulder to overhead sets. Overall score will be sum total.

Metcon (Time)




Box Jumps

200 Meter Farmers Carry



Box Jumps

200 Meter Farmers Carry



Box Jumps

Box: (24″/20″) NO REBOUNDING

Wallball: 20 / 14 lb to 10/9ft.

Dumbbells: 50 / 35 lb’s
– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– Wallballs: Athletes should be able to complete 7 or more reps at a time on the sets of 21, 5 or more on the sets of 15, and 3 or more on the sets of 9.

– Box Jumps: Athletes are required to step down off the box.

– Farmers Carry: Athletes should be able to complete the farmers carries in less than 2:00 each round.

– Score: Time

– If you are confident in your wallball capacity, let’s see if we can hold on for unbroken sets and use the box jumps as a pacer.

– If wallballs are not in your wheel house, break these right form the start. Still use the box jumps as a pacer.

– Short bursts of farmers carries will help in managing shoulder and grip fatigue. When the dumbbells were in hand, stay low and move fast.

– Be mindful of your breaks here. Lots of time can tick away with super long breaks. Count in your head when you break to help you have some urgency to get back to work.


– Reduce Loading

– Single Dumbbell Thrusters


– Reduce Box Height

– Step-Ups

– Broad Jumps


– Reduce Loading

– Sub Kettlebells

– 15 x 10m Farmers Carry Shuttles

Metcon (No Measure)

Extra credit

Handstand Walk Conditioning

On the 1:30 x 10 Sets:

30ft. Unbroken Handstand Walk

Max Calorie Echo Bike

Beast Accessory

3-4 Sets:

A. 8-12 Barbell Hip Thrusts

B. 60-90s Elbow Plank

C. 8-12 Barbell Upright Rows

*Repeat from 5.25.22

Midline Conditioning

3 Rounds For Time:

500 Meter Ski Erg

250-ft. Yoke Carry

Rest 3:00 Between Rounds.

Yoke: Load 45 / 35 lb plates on all corners