CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit
Metcon (No Measure)
Handstand Walk Conditioning
AMRAP 2 x 4 Rounds:
50 Double-Unders
Time Remaining: Max Distance Handstand Walk*
Rest 1:00 Between Rounds
*25ft. HSW course, marked at every 5ft.
– Training handstand walking under fatigue from the double unders.
– We are practicing competition standards by having 5 ft. increments marked on the floor.
– Every 5 ft. walked will count as a rep.
– Score: Reps completed each round. 20ft = 4 reps.
– Line Hops
– 75 Single Unders
– Bear Crawl
– Handstand Shoulder Taps
Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
“Wild Card”
On the 10:00 x 3 Rounds:
30/24 Calorie Row
200 Meter Run
30/24 Calorie Assault Bike
200 Meter Run
– Conditioning Category: Threshold
– The row should take less than 2:30
– The runs should take less than 1:30
– The assault bike should take less than 2:30
– Athletes should expect to have between 2-4 minutes of rest between rounds.
– Flow: In this interval style workout, athletes will work through each machine/movement as quickly as possible with rest being the reward for speed. Rounds will start on the 0:00, the 10:00, and the 20:00. Athletes should be finished up with all the movements within a round by the 8:00 mark leaving at least 2:00 to rest and reset for the next round.
– Score: Record your times for all 3 intervals with your sum total of of the 3 rounds being your overall score.
1. Let’s push the machines and recover on the runs.
2. Athletes will be rewarded for their efforts on the row and bike more than the run with these stations taking up the majority of the time within each interval.
3. On the bike, ladies can aim to hold 200+ watts while the guys can aim to hold 300+ watts.
4. On the row, ladies can aim to hold 900+ cals/hr while the guys can aim to hold 1000+ cals/hr.
5. Keep your transitions smooth and seamless.
6. Take some big deep breaths during your rest periods in order to help get your heart rate back down before the start of the next round.
– 30/24 Cal Erg Bike
– 24/18 Cal Assault Bike, Echo Bike, Ski Erg, or Air Run
– 400m Run
200M RUN
– 500m Bike (Any)
– 12/10 CalĀ Assault Bike, Echo Bike, Ski Erg, or Air Run
– 250m Row
– 30/24 CalĀ Echo Bike, Ski Erg, or Air Run
– 37/30 Cal Bike Erg or Row
– 500m Run
Metcon (No Measure)
Extra credit
Handstand Push-Up Conditioning
On the 2:00 x 3 Sets:
Max Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Directly into…
On the 2:00 x 3 Sets:
Max Strict Ring Push-Ups