


CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Metcon (Weight)

Strict Press

For Total Load:

5 Sets of 3

*Repeat From 6/13/22

“Pressed For Time” (AMRAP – Reps)

“Pressed For Time”

On the 6:00 x 3 Rounds:

800 Meter Run

15 Double Dumbbell Front Squats

Max Double Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead

Dumbbells: 50 / 35 lb’s
– Conditioning Category: Grindy Threshold

– Run: Completed in 4:30 or less.

– Front Squats: Loading should allow athletes to complete the reps in 1-2 sets each round.

– Shoulder To Overhead: Loading should allow athletes to complete sets of 7 or more.

– Score: 3 sets of reps completed each round. Overall score will be the sum total.

– While we want to push the run a bit, it should not come at the expense of our dumbbell sets. Aim to be just a bit outside of the comfort zone here.

– Aim to complete unbroken sets or to take one break with a rep or 2 left. This will allow you to go right from your last front squat into your first set of shoulder to overhead.

– While we want to bank as many reps as possible on the dumbbells, let’s always leave 3-5 reps in the tank when taking breaks so that we can avoid sticky or failed reps.

– There is no rest between rounds so be mindful of the clock. Think about stopping 5-10s early to get set for the next round.