CrossFit – Fri, Mar 17


CrossFit – Fri, Mar 17

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Quarter Finals WOD 1 (2023) (AMRAP – Reps)

Quarterfinals Test 1

For Time:

9 Front Squats (Weight 1)

9 Handstand Walks (25 Feet)

15 Front Squats (Weight 2)

15 Ring Muscle-Ups

21 Front Squats (Weight 3)

21 Chest-To-Wall Handstand Push-ups

Weight 1: 225 / 155 lb

Weight 2: 185 / 125 lb

Weight 3: 135 / 95 lb

Time cap: 15 Minutes

Quarter finals WOD 3 (2023) (Time)

Quarterfinals Test 3

5 Rounds For Time:

5 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (30″/24″)

1 Clean and Jerk

*Add 1 Clean &Jerk After Each Round

*Barbell: 275 / 185 lb

*Time Cap: 10 Minutes

Extra Credit 3/16/23 (Checkmark)

Quarterfinals Test 2


8 Dumbbell Snatches (Arm 1)

8 Overhead Walking-Lunge Steps (Arm 1)

8 Dumbbell Snatches (Arm 2)

8 Overhead Walking-Lunge Steps (Arm 2)

40 Crossovers

Dumbbell: 70 / 50 lb

Saturday WODs

Quarterfinals Test 4


1,000 Meter Row

50 GHD Sit-Ups

500m Row

25 V-Ups

Quarterfinals Test 5

For Time:

21 Deadlifts (Weight 1)

21 Chest-To-Bar Pull-Ups

15 Deadlifts (Weight 2)

15 Bar Muscle-Ups

9 Deadlifts (Weight 3)

9 Rope Climbs (15 ft.)

Weight 1: 225 / 155 lb

Weight 2: 275 / 185 lb

Weight 3:315 / 205 lb

Time Cap: 15 Minutes
There are 5 quarter finals workouts. This year we will do some of them in class and the ones we dont get to do will become extra credit.