CrossFit – Fri, Nov 17


CrossFit – Fri, Nov 17

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Front Squat 11/17/23 (Weight)

Front Squat


1 @ 6/10 RPE

1 @ 7/10 RPE

1 @ 8/10 RPE

1 @9/10 RPE

1 @ 10/10 RPE

Believe (3 Rounds for time)


4 Rounds

10 Double Dumbbell Hang Cleans (2×50/35)

10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

10 Box Jumps (24/20)

-rest until minute 8-

4 Rounds

10 Double Dumbbell Push Jerks (2×50/35)

10 Toes to bar

5 Shuttle Sprints (50ft)

-rest until minute 16-

4 Rounds

10 Double Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks (2×50/35)

5 Bar Muscle Ups

10 Box Jumps (24/20)

Time Cap each set: 6 minutes


• How to Pace:

PAIN CAVE! These 3, 4-round triplets are designed to allow an aggressive, high intensity to be kept. Sets, weights, and rest are all catered for you to be successful and stay in attack mode. Be aggressive on transitions and aim to keep rounds and sets consistent across.

• How it should Feel:

MUSCULAR ENDURANCE! By the time the PAIN sets in the workout will be over. Lather, rinse, and repeat until the job is done.


• Double Dumbbell Hang Power Clean : Unbroken! Be aggressive with your hip drive and relax your hands at the top to help the grip.

• Chest to Bar : Unbroken! The worst case is 2-sets but regardless, be aggressive and don’t stare at the bar.

• Box Jumps : Smooth and steady, no need to rebound. Focus on keeping your breathing under control and try not to rest too long at the top or bottom.

• Double Dumbbell Push Jerks : Unbroken! Big hips every time, and breathe through the motion.

• Toes to Bar : Same as the chest to bar! Unbroken would be great but don’t hesitate to break into 2-sets if it allows you to stay aggressive.

• Shuttle Sprints : 1 rep is down 25ft AND back for a total of 50ft. Steady on here while focusing on quick turns and getting back up to speed.

• Double Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks : This will probably be the hardest part of the workout. 2 sets would be a sage bet to allow you to get right to work on the bar muscle ups. Control your breathing and be explosive with your legs and hips.

• Bar Muscle Ups : Unbroken will save your grip more than breaking into 2-sets. Relax your hands at the top and be aggressive with the kip.


(For pregnant and postpartum women)

• Double Dumbbell Hang Cleans —-> no modification

• Chest to Bar Pull Ups —-> Band Assisted Pull Ups- 1 Foot

• Box Jumps —-> Modified Tuck Jump

• Double Dumbbell Push Jerks —-> Double Dumbbell Seated Strict Press

• Toes to Bar —–> American Kettlebell Swing

• Shuttle Sprint —-> 45 seconds of High Knees to Lateral Shuffle

• Bar Muscle Up —–> Low Bar Muscle Up Progression OR Modified Burpee Pull Ups

SCALING (AKA 45+ Masters Rx)

• The SCALING aim is for intensity and sets to stay consistent on each 4-round workout.

• Scaling option to finish near the target score:

4 Rounds

10 Double Dumbbell Hang Cleans (2×40/25)

7 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

7 Box Jumps (24/20)

-rest until minute 8-

4 Rounds

10 Double Dumbbell Push Jerks (2×40/25)

8 Toes to bar

5 Shuttle Sprints (50ft)

-rest until minute 16-

4 Rounds

10 Double Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks (2×40/25)

4 Bar Muscle Ups

7 Box Jumps (24/20)

Time Cap each set: 6 minutes


• How to Pace:

PAIN CAVE! These 3, 4-round triplets are designed to allow an aggressive, high intensity to be kept. Sets, weights, and rest are all catered for you to be successful and stay in attack mode. Be aggressive on transitions and aim to keep rounds and sets consistent across.

• How it should Feel:

MUSCULAR ENDURANCE! By the time the PAIN sets in the workout will be over. Lather, rinse, and repeat until the job is done.