CrossFit – Mon, Jul 3


CrossFit – Mon, Jul 3

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Squat snatch for time (Weight)

Squat Snatch

6 Sets For Time:

5 Unbroken Squat Snatches @ 55% 66LB

Rest 3 Minutes

For Time:

15 Squat Snatches @ 55%

Control-V (Time)


For Time:

30 Overhead Squats 95 / 65 lb

150 Double Unders

50/40 Calorie Row 40/32 bike 600m run

Rest 2 Minutes

50/40 Calorie Row 40/32 bike 600m run

150 Double Unders

30 Overhead Squats 95 / 65 lb

Time Cap: 18 Minutes

– Overview: Athletes will complete a sprint chipper of 30 light overhead squats, 150 double unders, and 50/40 calories on the rower. They will then rest 2 minutes before completing the same movements again, just in the opposite order. Can you complete the second part of the workout as fast as the first?

– Overhead Squats: Loading should not exceed 60% of your 1RM overhead squat. Reps should be completed in 2:00 or less.

– Double Unders: Reps should be completed in 2:30 or less.

– Row: Should be completed in 3:00 or less.

– Score: Total time it takes to complete the workout including rest.

– Let’s shoot for big sets on the barbell. 1-3 sets is a great place to be.

– If we have the capacity to go unbroken on the double unders, let’s try to hold on. If a quick break or 2 will allow us to push the rower/overhead squats, let’s take those breaks and shake out the arms.

– On the first row, let’s aim to ramp up our speed every 10 calories. On the second row, let’s have a strong start, then back off our pace for the last few calories to prepare for the double unders.


– Reduce Loading

– Reduce Reps

– Single Dumbbell Overhead Squats

– Front Squats

– Air Squats


– Reduce Reps

– 2:30 Time Cap

– 1.5x Single Unders

– Plate Hops

– 2:00 Effort On Any Machine


– Reduce Cals

– 3:00 Time Cap

– 50/40 Cal Bike Erg

– 40/32 Cal Assault or Echo Bike

– 40/32 Cal Ski

– 40/32 Cal Air Runner

– 600m Run

Extra 7/3/23 (Checkmark)

Overhead Squat

Build To A Heavy Set of 5

Echo Bike Intervals

4 Rounds:

1 Minute Echo Bike

2 Minute Rest

Directly Into…

4 Rounds:

2 Minute Echo Bike

1 Minute Rest

Gymnastics Conditioning

For Time:

50 V-ups, 50% Max Ring Muscle-ups

40 V-ups, 40% Max Ring Muscle-ups

30 V-ups, 30% Max Ring Muscle-ups

20 V-ups, 20% Max Ring Muscle-ups

10 V-ups, 10% Max Ring Muscle-ups