CrossFit – Mon, Nov 13


CrossFit – Mon, Nov 13

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Deadlift 11/13/23 (Weight)

*Do a set every 2 minutes.

3 Deadlift @ 6/10 RPE

2 Deadlift @ 7/10 RPE

1 Deadlift @ 8/10 RPE

1 Deadlift @ 9/10 RPE

1 Deadlift @ 10/10 RPE

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

2 Sets:

AMRAP 8 Minutes

40 Crossovers

4 Rope Climbs

20 weighted v-ups 15/10

-rest 4 minutes b/t sets-


• How to Pace: STEADY! Stay smooth and consistent through these multiple set, high skilled amrap. Aim for similar round times while keeping the heart rate down. Enjoy the rest and try to repeat or slightly improve on the second set.

• How it should Feel: CARDIO! And GRIPPY! Moderately Long aerobic amraps for 2 sets that will test your endurance and grip constantly.


• Crossovers – single under crossovers : 1-2 sets should be the goal while focusing on relaxing your shoulders and grip. Always lay your rope down after to avoid the tangled nest.

• How to Count Crossovers

• Rope Climbs : 1 rep every 10-15 seconds is a great goal and pace to try and hold. 2-3 pulls are ideal for the ascent and slide down as smoothly as possible to save your upper-body.

• GHD Sit Up : Non-stop and focus on relaxing your hands and shoulders to prep for the jump rope after. Breathe at the top of each rep and focus on snapping your hips every rep.


(For pregnant and postpartum women)

• Crossovers —-> Slow and Controlled Plate Hops

• Rope Climbs —–> Modified Rope Climb

• GHD Sit Ups —-> GHD Quarter Sit Up (appropriate only early pregnancy) OR Quarter Sit Ups

SCALING (AKA 45+ Masters Rx)

• The SCALING aim is for rounds and sets to stay consistent across.

• Scaling option to finish near the target score:

2 Sets:

AMRAP 8 Minutes

30 Crossovers

3 Rope Climbs

15 GHD Sit Ups

-rest 4 minutes b/t sets-

Extra 11/3/23 (Checkmark)

bench press

3 @ 6

2 @ 7/10 RPE

[email protected]/10 RPE

1 @ 8/10 RPE

1 @ 8.5/10 RPE

1 @ 9/10 RPE

1 @10/10 RPE

Back squat


3 @ 7/10 RPE

1 @ 7.5/10 RPE

1 @ 8/10 RPE

1 @ 8.5/10 RPE

1 @ 9/10 RP

1 @ 10/10 RPE

5 Sets

2:30 at RPE7,

2:30 at RPE3