CrossFit – Mon, Oct 23


CrossFit – Mon, Oct 23


Competition November 11th

The Forge: Team Comp

male/male female/female

intermediate and scaled

$125 a team plus tax and fees (early bird) for the first 10 teams then $140 after that

Come out and Play! Link below:

Ask Lyanne if you have questions.

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Front squat 10/23/23 (Weight)

Front squat

5 @ 6/10 RPE

3 @ 7/10 RPE

1 @ 8/10 RPE

5 @ 7/10 RPE

3 @ 8/10 RPE

1 @ 9/10 RPE

1 @ 9+/10 RPE

1 @ 9+/10 RPE

Leonardo De Vinci (Time)

For Time: Time cap 15 mins


Burpee Pull Up


Wall Balls (20/14)

How to Pace:

CHALLENGE! Burpee pull-ups should be smooth and steady throughout. The goal is to break up the first two sets of Wall Balls in no more than two sets. If you do a Burpee pull-up every four seconds and go unbroken on the Wall Balls, you will be at about 6 minutes of total work, not including rest and transitions.

• How it should Feel:

GASSY with a mix of MUSCLE ENDURANCE. If you can stick to big sets on the Wall Ball, this one will have you feeling the burn and breathing heavily simultaneously.


• Burpee Pull Ups : Rushing through these will only result in longer rest periods between movements. Stay steady and slow down the final 2-3 reps.

• Wall Balls : Big hips and breathing through the motions need to be the focus. 2 sets is the goal, and if you have it in you to go unbroken without causing an implosion on burpees, then go for it.


(For pregnant and postpartum women)

• Burpee Pull Ups ——-> Modified Burpee Pull Ups – modified push up x 2 to scapular pull up x 2

• Wall Balls —–> no modification OR Banded Thrusters

SCALING (AKA 45+ Masters Rx)

• The SCALING aim is to keep intensity up and finish near the target time.

• Scaling option to finish near the target score:

For Time


Burpee Pull Up


Wall Balls (20/14)

Check out our Scaling and Substitution Movement Document Here! for more recommendations!

Metcon (Checkmark)

DB Bench press

12 @ 7/10 RPE

10 @ 8/10 RPE

10 @ 9/10 RPE

12 @ 8/10 RPE

clean deadlift

5 @ 6/10 RPE

4 @7/10 RPE

3 @ 8/10 RPE

2 @ 8.5/10 RPE

1 @ 9/10 RPE

1 Clean Deadlift @ 9+/10 RPE

1 Clean Deadlift @ 9+/10 RPE

3 Sets BIKE

8 Min at RPE3

2 Min at RPE7

*Rest 3 Min between sets.