CrossFit – Thu, May 23


CrossFit – Thu, May 23

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Masters metcon 2 (Checkmark)

Saturday’s workout: there will be a team wod every Saturday and we will also have an individual as well. I will post the individual wod here….

10 minute EMOM

2-4 Unbroken Ring Muscle Ups/bmups

-straight into-

EMOM x 12:00

Odd – 2 Rope Climbs

Even – 6-8 Strict Handstand Push Ups/reg hspus

-straight into-

3 Sets

AMRAP x 10:00 @ RPE 6-7

10/8 Calorie Row

10 vups

10 push-ups

35 Double Unders

-rest 3:00 b/t sets-

Recovery 5/22/24 (Time)

4 rounds

40/30 cal bike

800 m run

20 burpees

Rest 2 mins