CrossFit – Thu, Nov 30


CrossFit – Thu, Nov 30

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

11/30/23 recovery workout (Checkmark)

800 m run

Then start below on the top of the next minute

20 min EMOM

Min 1: 75 singles or 50 dubs

Min 2: 12-15 light goblet squats

Min 3: 12-15 KBS

Min 4: 200 m run

Min 5 rest

Walk this way (Checkmark)

Saturday Wod

2 sets:

3 Rounds

5 Strict Chest to bar Pull Ups

25ft Handstand Walk

-rest 3 minutes b/t sets-


10 bench press + 10 bent over the bar rows

4×10 @ 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5 rpe


10 Front Rack Lunges + 10 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats @ 6, 6.5,7,7.5 rpe