Double knot


Double knot

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

EMOMx8 last 6 mins build sqt cln n jerk (Build to one heavy rep the last six mins)

Clean and Jerk

On the Minute x 8:

Minute 1: 1 Squat Clean and Jerk

Minute 2: 1 Squat Clean and Jerk

Minute 3: 1 Squat Clean and Jerk

Minute 4: Rest

Minute 5: 1 Squat Clean and Jerk

Minute 6: 1 Squat Clean and Jerk

Minute 7: 1 Squat Clean and Jerk

Minute 8: Rest

Minutes 9-15: 6 Minutes to Build to a Heavy Single

3-pos: Metcon (No Measure)

Clean and Jerk Technique

Alternating On the Minute x 8 (4 Rounds):

Odd: 3-Position Squat Clean

Even: 1 Pausing Push Jerk + 1 Pausing Split Jerk

Double knot (Time)

“Double Knot”

For Time:

100 Double Unders

9 Bar Muscle-ups

21 Squat Cleans (135/95)

100 Double Unders

9 Bar Muscle-ups

15 Squat Cleans (135/95)

100 Double Unders

9 Bar Muscle-ups

9 Squat Cleans (135/95)