CrossFit – Tue, May 14


CrossFit – Tue, May 14

CrossFit GonzStrong – CrossFit

Dips and DB Bench press (Checkmark)

12 Weighted Dip @7-8/10 RPE

10 Weighted Dip @7-8/10 RPE

8 Weighted Dip @7-8/10 RPE

6 Weighted Dip @7-8/10 RPE

*Rest 2-3 Min after each set.

**Keep unbroken, use toe assistance on ground if needed.

***Add weight if possible on lower reps.

4×6 Tempo bench press @60-65%

No Banner only Hulk (Time)

AMRAP x 12:00

20 Power Clean and Jerks (115/80) (in sets of 5+)

40 vups

Target Rounds: 3+

• Minimum Rounds before Scaling 2


• How to Pace: CHALLENGE into GRIND! Big sets where there’s a minimum work requirement to keep you honest. Push through the cleans at a near non-pace and fight to stay moving on the ghd. This is meant to be as much of a mental test for you as physical. Stay strong, and know it’s just 12 minutes.

• How it should feel: MUSCULAR ENDURANCE! Wind pipes are going to be tested, as these two movements will have you going up and down like a roller coaster.


• Cleans and Jerks: These are light weight (40%) exercises where you have to hit at least 6+ touch reps every time. We would like to see these reps completed in 2-3 sets, so challenge yourself here while being smooth and steady with the barbell.

• Sit Ups : You need to hit 12+ reps before stopping, so I recommend pausing at the top for a quick second every rep and trying to hold that pace through all 48 reps.


• The SCALING aim is to swiftly work on the barbell continuously on the ghd.

• Scaling option to finish near the target score:

AMRAP x 12:00

20 Power Clean and Jerks (95/65) (in sets of 5+)

30 vups in sets of 7+)